Friday, October 23, 2020



Hay everyone, now I will tell you my experience reading on English e-reader. This time I will choose one character from the story that I read and thinking the character main problem. Then I will imagine if I’m is the character and I will write a letter to telling about my problem to a famous person.

I have read story entitled the Earthquake by Elizabeth Laird. This time I choose level B1 pre-intermediate. This story has 4.949 words from 21 pages.

My letter:

Dear Mr. Habibie

I hope you have some free time before reading this letter, because it’s about my personal problem. I really love the girl named Silvia. I think she is a beautiful girl ever I see. But there is a handsome and rich man named Marco who also liked her. Every time I go to Silvia’s house, she will act weird like she doesn’t like me. Especially if Marco is at her house. What should I do? Please help me with some advice from you.


I think Gabriel need to ask his problem to Mr. Habibie. Of course, Mr. Habibie is not stranger with Indonesia people. Because he is Indonesia’s third president. Besides the president he is also famous for his love life story with his wife Mrs. Ainun. So, I think the problem of love that is experience by Gabriel can be overcome with the experience love of Mr. Habibie.



Thursday, October 15, 2020

A different ending


Hello everyone, now I will show you my experience reading on English e-Reader. This time I will imagine different ending in the story that I have read.

I have read story entitled Halloween horror. The author is Clemen D. B. Gina. This story has 3.962 words from 19 pages. I read this story at level A1 starter.

This story tells about five student named Kelly, Megan, Susan, Nick, and Bill who want to have a Halloween party. First of all, they make a plan about the Halloween party. A student named Bill found one old house which is close to the forest. They don’t now if that old house is the witch’s house. Then they go to the old house, their friend named Susan is the first to know that it is a witch’s house. She tells to them, but Bill still want to make the party at that house because according to him, it is the perfect place to make the Halloween party. They continued with their plans, and immediately clean it up. They also decorated the house with a Halloween theme.

It’s time for the Halloween party. They also invited some of their schoolmates. Their wearing scary clothes. Their friend named Kelly wearing dress like a witch named Abigail cross. The party is lively and festive. Some students dance, eat, and laugh.  Then they play a game called treasure hunt. Everyone has different maps. Kelly get a share in the basement. She looks inside a big barrel.  Suddenly an old lady standing by the barrel. Evidently the old lady is the witch named Abigail cross, and the she says, on this night we spirit look for young bodies. When we find a young body, we can live again. At midnight my spirit enters your body. You must die so that I can live. Then the witch makes Kelly sleep and put her in to the barrel. She takes off Kelly’s mask and wig too.

When almost midnight, the students want to see behind every mask they wear. Every student takes off their mask when asked. Until they ask ‘how is the old lady’, then the witch open the mask. They all get scared and panic when they see the face behind the old lady mask. They want get out, but another witch spirit is outside and blocking them. Then Bill look for Kelly on the basement. He looks in all the barrels. Finally, he sees Kelly who is sleeping in the barrel. But one candle fall on the table and the fire is spreading. All the students are scared, because they can’t open the door. Its two minutes to midnight. Suddenly the fire burn Abigail’s portrait at the house. They are shocked because Abigail Cross and the witch spirits are burning. Then the door is opening and all of the students runs outside. The fire destroys the house and the evil ghost inside. Finally, they go back to their own house. In the morning Kelly wake up and go to the bathroom. She shocked, when she looking in the mirror. A red mark around her neck and she hear a mysterious voice in the mirror says, “When you play with fire, Kelly, you burn your fingers!”.

Now I will make the end of the story according to my imagination.

Finally, they can get out. But Kelly still not aware. So, Megan, Susan, Nick, and Bill take her to the hospital. Megan and Susan cry, when they arrived at the hospital. “I’m so sorry”, Bill say. “This will not happen if we don’t follow your stupid idea!”, says Megan while cry. “But right now, Kelly is in the hospital, so don’t worry everything will be fine”, says Nick. “We have been trough all of this and I hope no quarrels between us”, added Nick. They are sad and panic. After 7 hours, Kelly wake up. “Kelly is wake up”, says Susan when she sees Kelly’s eyes open. Then Kelly say “where are me?”. Megan answer while happy “you in the hospital, my sister”. Then Kelly look at them and say “Who are you?”. They all get shocked when they hear what Kelly says.



Friday, October 9, 2020

ER- Perfect song



Hay everyone now I will show you my experience reading on English e Reader. Now I will read one story than I will choose a suitable song for the story.

I have read story on English e Reader entitled Muhammad Ali and the author is B. Smith. I choose level starter to read this story. This story has 3.375 words from 10 pages.

This story is telling about a famous boxer named Muhammad Ali. This story tells about the beginning of the journey of Muhammad Ali in his boxing career. The real name of Muhammad Ali is Cassius Clay. Initially Cassius Clay can’t box, he just a normal kid. One day Cassius lost his bike and he went to report to the police who were in a gym. Without him knowing it the policeman is also a boxing trainer. The policeman saw Cassius’s physique was perfect for a boxer. Then the policeman invited Cassius to train him boxing. Then Cassius became a boxer. He has many challenge’s in his career, both in and outside the ring. But he never gives up and he managed to become the world champion of boxing.

After I read the story, I think song entitled Believer sang by Imagine Dragons pop rock band is suitable for the story. I choose the story because I found matching lyric with that story. 



Here is the lyric;



You made me a, you made me a believer, believer


You break me down and build me up, believer, believer


Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain

My life, my love, my drive, it came from...


You made me a, you made me a believer, believer

My reason is, Muhammad Ali encountered many challenges which made him sick in the ring but he always rises and never give up. He also had a painful live in which black people and white people not like each other. But he continued to struggle in the pain he was experiencing.

Friday, October 2, 2020



Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Now I will show you my experience reading on ER Central. This time I choose two story then I will think as if I were preparing a special gift to the character in the story that I read.

The first story I choose level 13.75 the title is “Scare the Children” by Lisa.P. The story tells about someone named Wallace. He lives alone. Wallace don’t like children and he hate Halloween. Wallace will do everything he can to keep kids from knocking on his door during Halloween. One night he makes a plan to scare the children but his plan is failed and he is puzzled with their unexpected reaction to his plan.

I try to think what did I will give to the character named Wallace if I can meet him. That I know Wallace will be very angry if his doorbell is rung by the children. In other words, as long as the bellis not rung he will calm down and won’t have to drive the children away. So, my special gift to him is:


With earphone he won’t listen to anything. He can play song at high volume and he won’t be disturbed by the children or commotion. So, he can sit quietly while enjoy the song with out having to think of a plan.

The second story entitled “Hannah’s first day Of School” by Lauren. This time I choose level 10.70. the story tells about Hannah’s first day at her school. On the first day of school Hannah meet with some new friends and her teacher which name is Mrs.Rogers. Then they introduce them self and they are put into different groups where they work on fun project or playing new games. It’s a busy day for Hannah.

Hannah likes her first day of school because she meets a new friend and a new experience. So, I will make sure she won’t wake up late with my special gift. And my special gift is:

Alarm clock

With the alarm clock she will always wake up on time and can prepare herself well before going to school. She will also prepare her meals and snack well. And she didn't rush to school.







Future Article

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog. My assignment this time is to listen to future articles from YouTube, then i will choose three artic...