Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Future Article

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog. My assignment this time is to listen to future articles from YouTube, then i will choose three articles to make three reports. In the third report I will make it in an audio form. I hope you enjoy it !!

The mummification process  


I have watched a future article entitled the mummifications process from Getty museum channel on YouTube. I was watched this article on Thursday. If you want to watch the future article, the link is below the picture.


This future article tells about the mummification process of a man named Herakleides. In this future article it is mentioned that mummification was developed by the ancient Egyptians to preserve the body for the afterlife. This future article also explains the mummification process of Herakleides from earlier to late stages. Some examples of this are the actual removal of the internal organs from herakleides' body, the perfume and oil rubbing of plants on the body, the casket painter, to the last stage is the writing of the name Herakleides at the lower end of the chest.


The future article is good because it is presented clearly and irregularly. Also, the animation used us so clearly that I can understand the explanation more easily.


I'm getting little information about Herakleides and an explanation of the mummification process on his body. I also get some new vocabulary namely, 

ancient(kuno), to preserve(untuk melestarikan),   exception(kekecualian), 

lungs(Paru-paru), intact(Utuh), moisture(Kelembaban), resins(Penebusan dosa), thick layers(Lapisan tebal,) linen(linen), wrapped(membalutkan), wrappings(pembungkus), abdomen(daerah perut), deceased(yang meninggal), and treatment(perlakuan).

What happens to our bodies after we die?- Farnaz Khatibi Jafari


I have watched a future article entitled what happens to our bodies after we die?- Farnaz Khatibi Jafari from TED-Ed channel on You tube. I was watched this article on Saturday. If you want to watch the future article, the link is below the picture.



This future article explains about the condition of the human body after death. This future article explains from a heart that stops beating on a person's body, until it undergoes decomposition or the process by which bacteria and insects break apart the human body. Furthermore, this future article also tells that the difference in the hunting of a dead body is a key factor that distinguishes the condition of each human's body after death. Plus, this future article also shows and explains some of the differences between an already existing burial and the reason for it.


The future article is good, because it's delivered clearly. In addition, the explanation uses good animation, which makes the delivery easy to understand.


I got information about the condition of the human body after death and the various methods of burial of the human body. I also get some new vocabulary namely, burial(penguburan), stages(tahap), discolored(yang kotorkan), and surrounding(sekeliling)

How to survive a komodo dragon attack 


If you want to watch the future article, the link is below the picture.


Below is the link of my third report.


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Future Article

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog. My assignment this time is to listen to future articles from YouTube, then i will choose three artic...